Seth/Benrey | He/him + neopronouns | Trans guy | Gay | (White) Puerto Rican + Irish | 23 | Taken
Hiya! I'm an artist who's both physically disabled and ND, I like to talk about fandoms and OCs with others so if you're into that, come down and DM me :]Fandoms: OneyPlays, It Takes Two, A Way Out, Mouthwashing, OVERTIME, Hellbenders, Smiling Friends, Homestuck, Undertale, RDR series, HLVRAI, Half Life series. Steven Universe, Banana Fish, Invader Zim and more!
BASIC DNI CRITERIA (TERF/SWERF/ETC, ABLEIST, RACIST, LGBTQPHOBIC, CONSIDER YOURSELF A PEDO/ZOOPHILE/ETC)YOU ARE ANTI-BLMYOU ROMANTICIZE REAL MURDERERS OR CALL YOURSELF A 'FAN' OF TCC SHITYOU SUPPORT UNJUST CANCEL CULTURE (ie. calling out an innocent child for tracing art and making them seem like the devil, calling out a teenager for PRIVATELY doing something that isnt illegal or immoral, something someone did when they were 10 and theyre currently like idfk 29 now)YOU THINK XENOGENDERS AND NEOPRONOUNS ARE "HARMFUL"YOU JUDGE PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR FICTIONAL INTERESTSEXCLUSIONIST (aroace, bi, pan, trans, any type of exclusionist)
(This is a long read I'm really sorry LOL I just wanna make sure I touch on every topic.)I use tone indicators so please use that with me! I can't decipher tone in text so I'll misread something as either unironic or whatever else. If you forget to use them though I won’t be pissed X-0!I'm an adult, any minors who try engaging with any topics that involve being sexual or flirty I won't hesitate to shut down the conversation and redirect it, some kids online don't know what's appropriate or not regarding conversations with adults due to grooming/etc. If it continues on after I set that boundary however, I will block without any hesitation whatsoever.My mains are SFW centered, please do not interact with your NSFW accounts! Minors follow me and I would rather not mix those groups up for their safety and yours.I use slurs I can reclaim but if you don't want me to use them around you, let me know! I want to make sure you are comfortable when interacting with me.Do not involve me in your personal drama that I'm not apart of, I don't mind if you're asking for second opinions about something but do not involve me in it personally. I do not have the time and energy to be dealing with dumb internet bullshit. I have an actual life outside the internet despite everything, I don't need to be involved in cornball drama.If we somehow have some sort of issue that I'm unaware of, just DM me! I can't read your mind so I won't know if I've done anything to upset you/etc. I'm a very blunt person and sometimes what I say might sound mean because I myself forget tone indicators too. I've had too many people go behind my back and treat me as a 'horrible person' all because they don't utilize communication x_xI DO NOT CARE WHAT INTERESTS YOU ARE INTO!! As long as you're critical of it I could not care but just know I am the type to criticize things in the media, hell I harshly criticize my own interests too. I just like dissecting things and talking about it lol.
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